A Guide to Choosing a Digital Marketing Agency for Startups

Digital Marketing Agency for Startups

So, you’re part of a small team that’s on an endeavor to do something different in your industry - whether you’ve got a brand new product you’re working on or are providing professional services in your area of expertise, being a startup is both rewarding and challenging all at the same time. 

As a startup, it’s critical to get the word out about what you do. After all, your company is new to the game, and growth happens when people know about you. 

If you’re at the point where you’re looking to hire a digital marketing agency for your startup, we’ve put together a guide to help you in choosing the right partner for your stage of growth. 

1. Understand Your Startup’s Needs and Budget

The first thing you need to do before searching for an agency is to assess what your startup needs and what budget you have to work with. There are two main marketing needs for startups to consider: branding and marketing strategy/execution. 

If you don’t already have branding in place - a name, logo, and brand guidelines (which should include defined fonts, colors, and the look/feel of your brand), then this is where you’ll need to start. If you do already have these items in place, and they’re serving your needs, then we can move to assessing your marketing strategy and execution.

Once a startup’s branding is set, often the next need is to create a marketing plan, based on strategic decisions about what you’re selling and to whom. This includes considering social media management, paid advertising, content marketing, search engine optimization, and more to reach that target audience. Once a plan is in place, then a team can focus on the execution of that plan.

Of course, your marketing budget will ultimately dictate how this gets done. Make sure you have an understanding of how much you can spend each month on marketing and if you have a dedicated project budget for things like branding or a new web build. 

2. Look for Startup Expertise

Now that you know what you’re looking for, it’s time to search for a digital marketing agency for startups. There are unique challenges that startups face in comparison to established businesses. Finding an agency with a proven track record of working with startups is important. 

At View Marketing & Creative, we’ve worked with dozens of startups (see some of them here) who have had varying needs. We understand that your budget is limited, so we work with you to prioritize what needs to be done and find creative solutions for maximizing impact. 

3. Review the Agency’s Case Studies and Results

Any reputable marketing agency will have a portfolio website showcasing past projects. Take some time to review these examples and their results. From case studies, you’ll gain some insight into the agency’s style, creativity, and effectiveness in achieving that client’s goals. This is also a way for you to get a better understanding of the types of companies and industries they’ve worked with or if they’ve achieved goals for others that are similar to yours. 

4. Evaluate the Agency’s Range of Services

As a startup, you’ll likely need a comprehensive marketing approach including both strategic planning and tactical marketing services such as SEO, email marketing, social media, and paid ads. When choosing a digital marketing agency, take a look at their offerings to ensure they offer a range of services that can evolve as your needs change and grow. 

5. Read Reviews and Testimonials

In the same way that you would take a look at reviews before hiring someone to work on your house, a marketing agency will have reviews and testimonials that you can read through. This will give you a sense of the agency’s reputation and the experiences that other startups have had working with them. 

6. Meet with the Digital Marketing Agency for Startups

Once you’ve vetted an agency to the point where you see potential alignment between their experience, results, and what you’re looking for, it’s time to meet the team. When meeting, we recommend asking about the process, how they track and measure success, and how often they’ll provide updates. A good agency will act as an extension of your team, collaborating with you on an ongoing basis and providing regular feedback. 

This is also an opportunity to get a feel for the agency’s work style and culture. Do they seem genuinely interested in your startup’s vision? Do they have innovative ideas and strategies? It’s important to feel like the agency is the right fit for you and your business. 

7. Consider Pricing

Budget constraints are usually the reality for startups. While it’s tempting to move forward with the cheapest option, keep in mind that quality matters. Instead, look for an agency that offers flexible pricing, such as project-based fees or monthly retainers, which can help your startup budget more effectively. These options allow you to manage costs while still investing in high-quality marketing services that can adapt as your needs evolve.

Ultimately, selecting the right digital marketing agency for your startup can be a game-changer for growth and visibility. By thoroughly evaluating your own needs and potential agencies, you can find the right partner to help take your startup to the next level. Wherever you’re at in this journey, View Marketing & Creative is a digital marketing agency that has worked with a number of startups to build their brand, providing both strategic guidance and tactical marketing services to drive growth and achieve their business goals.

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